Standardised formats are essential to connections in the digital society. On the hardware side, USB is so ubiquitous and well defined that I can connect essentially any peripheral to any PC. In many cases I can even expect them to work without drivers. For sound, the 3.5 mm headphone plug has been ubiquitous as long as I can remember. For video, there is VGA, DVI, and so on. Even if some of these change every now and then, we can always buy converters to convert from one format to another. The changes happen infrequently enough that this is a bearable burden.
On the software side, from a user perspective, it gets tougher. In terms of document formats, everybody is expected to have a web browser, to be able to read PDF documents, and to play MP3 files. There’s also a certain expectation that people can read and edit Microsoft Office documents, but in general, unless people have Microsoft Office itself, they are likely to use some program that does an imperfect job of converting to and from the office formats. More exotic formats people do not expect to share unless they know that the receiver has the same software.
One of the worst situations (and maybe one of the sources of these troubles) is software architecture. To look at just one subset of this universe, let’s consider some popular Java frameworks. There are many Java frameworks. I can think of Struts, Spring, Enterprise JavaBeans, Tomcat, JBoss, Websphere, OSGI. Each one is trying to be a universal, or near universal, component based framework for large scale Java applications. (Some of these are intended specifically for web applications, but the distinction is a bit arbitrary these days). Each one defines a particular behaviour and API that its users need to fit into.
One problem is that once you’ve developed your application in one of these frameworks, it’s tough to move to a different one. At best it’s “just” a matter of using a different API. At worst, the new framework has different expectations of component behaviour and forces you to either refactor your old application majorly or write lots of adapters.
Software has this particular kind of stickiness: objects designed in one context tend to be difficult or impossible to move to other contexts. Here are some problems brought about by this fact:
- Across several different devices and services, I have many different lists of my various contacts. For instance, I have an address book on my computer, which fortunately is shared with my iPhone. However, there’s also a list that Gmail maintains, one list on MSN messenger, one on ICQ, one on Facebook, one on the Playstation Network… etc. In a world with perfect software, I would have a single contact list that could be updated and accessed from any of these services (and I would still be able to selectively hide things from any one service, if I wanted to).
- Most social networks support some kind of status update feature (Twitter, Facebook, …) but they generally can’t share this information with each other. There’s a tool called which is able to update lots of networks at once, but this is just for a single feature. And it took a third party tool to do it. And I have to give it all of my logins and passwords.
- The health care systems in many countries are a mess (UK’s NHS and probably most US systems fall in this category). Different medical offices in different medical IT systems establish different journals, but they have no way of sharing the journal if the patient wants to use a different care provider. As experiences in the UK showed, achieving the ability to share these records can be very difficult sometimes.
So how can we design really future proof standards? Here are my intuitive, unqualified answers:
Favor openness over closedness. Allow unknown entities to enter your protocol at many different stages and in many different roles. Even if you don’t design for this, it will tend to happen. Better to design for it.
Allow extensibility in many directions. Frameworks often allow you to make more specific versions of their components, but it’s rare that you can generalize or inject behaviour at a middle level of a concept hierarchy.
Use semantic metadata. Ontologies are under heavy research in computer science. They are formal classifications of concepts and their relations. One popular format for developing ontologies is RDF(S); for an example of what the concepts can look like, check this RDF(s) directory. I will have reason to come back to this topic in the future.
One example of a brilliant long-lasting standard: TCP/IP. Somehow in this case, the designers got something miraculously right at the first try. I’m amazed at how we keep building on this standard every day.