Category Archives: Computer science

My Ph.D. Thesis: “Extending the Java Programming Language for Evolvable Component Integration”

After three very hectic first months of 2012, the final version of my Ph.D. thesis has been submitted and I’ve gone through the graduation ceremonies. From the 1st of April I will be a postdoctoral associate in bioinformatics at the National Institute of Biomedical Innovation in Osaka, Japan. I will comment further on my Ph.D. […]

Technology and utilitarianism

Technologists and engineers often use the ideas of utilitarianism to evaluate their solutions. If something is cheaper, or faster, or lets people live 3.2 days longer on average, or some other number can be optimised, they judge a solution to be better. In short, they use a quantitative form of  judgment. This way of thinking […]

What makes a good programming language?

New programming languages are released all the time. History is littered with dead ones. There are also many long time survivors in good shape, as well as geriatric languages on life support. What makes a programming language attractive and competitive? How can we evaluate its quality? There are many different aspects of this problem. Ease […]

Pointers in programming languages

It is likely that few features cause as much problems as pointers and references in statement-oriented languages, such as C, C++ and Java. They are powerful, yes, and they allow us to control quite precisely how a program is to represent something. We can use them to conveniently compose objects and data without the redundancy […]

Reviewing the second year of Monomorphic

In May 2010 I reviewed the state of Monomorphic as a blog. Since it’s now been almost 13 months since that time, let’s evaluate what’s happened in the meantime. Where am I, how did I get here, and where do I go next? The rate of publication has decreased. Prior to the last evaluation, 55 […]